Study „Survey of refugee women in shelters and hotels in Frankfurt”
On behalf of the City Frankfurt am Main, Department of Women’s Affairs (2019-2021)
Further information: Report (German)
European project “Employer Tailored Chain Cooperation”
Funded by the European Commission, Asylum-, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) (2019-2021)
Further Information: final conclusions | Guidelines
Study “Gender-sensitive measures through education for the integration of newly arrived third country nationals”
On behalf of the European Institute for Gender Equality and Studio Come, Rome (2018)
Further information: EIGE’s publications
Development of quality criteria for housing facilities of asylum seekers and support of their implementation
On behalf of the District of Harburg (2017-2019)
European project “MOVE-EU Migration Orientée Vers l’Emploi en EUrope”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Education and Culture (2017-2019)
Further information: Facebook Move-EU
Hessian pilot project “Winning Refugees for Civic Engagement with an online survey amongst refugees”
On behalf of Hessian Minister President’s Office (2017)
Further information: (German) | Final Report (German)
Documentation „Integration of refugees in rural areas“
On behalf of the Minister President’s Office of the State of Hesse (2017)
Further information: Final Report.pdf (German)
Study “Recognizing potentials of refugees – Social integration by promoting active citizenship and self-organization”
Commissioned by the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration
Further information: Study Report.pdf (German)
Directory for Migrants in the District of Limburg-Weilburg
On behalf of the Social Service Department of the District of Limburg-Weilburg (2014)
Analysis of “Supply structure for older migrants in Frankfurt am Main”
On behalf of the City of Frankfurt am Main – Department of Multicultural Affairs (2011-2012)
Further information: Report (German)
European Project “ERF – Minor asylum seekers”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Home Affairs (2010-2012)
Download: Bildungszugänge für Asylsuchende.pdf (German)
Scientific support of the pilot project “Exercise and Health – involving more migrants into sports”
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Health and in cooperation with Deutscher Olympischer Sportbung (2009-2011)
Further information: DOSB-Website (German)
European project “CASA – Care assistants search agency”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security, and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (2008-2010)
Scientific support of the pilot project “Associations pro-active for integration”
Funded by the Hessian Social Ministry and the Robert-Bosch-Foundation (2008-2010)
Further information: Website Associations pro-active for integration (German) | Final Report.pdf (German)
European project “Healthy Inclusion – Development of recommendations for integrating socio-cultural standards in health promoting offers and services”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Health and Consumers (2007-2010)
Further information: Info.pdf
European project “Integration of female migrant domestic workers: Strategies of employment and civic participation”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Justice, Freedom and Security, and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (2006-2008)
Further information:
European project “Age + Gender + Ethnicity (A+G+E) – (Re)Integration into the labour market of black and migrant women aged over 40”
Funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (2004-2005)
Further information: Expertise.pdf | Working paper.pdf | AGE+ Magazine.pdf